The CEO Letter

Dear CEO,

What are the top 5 questions global CEO’s are asking as we approach 2029?

We consult with some of the world’s largest companies in the areas of:

– Leadership Development
– Management Strategies
– Performance enhancement across a variety of disciplines
– Sales and marketing improvements
– Change Management pre- and post- M&A

I ask you to consider the following questions knowing that the effectiveness of strategies are in direct proportion to the quality of the questions that precede them.

1. Where do you see your company in 2029?

2. Looking back from 2029 to today, can you identify the internal and external obstacles that could possibly stand in your way?

3. How many on your executive team see your vision the way you do?

4. Is it possible that you are in 2029 alone?

5. If your executive team does not share your vision, why not? Are their goals — personal or business — in conflict with yours?

6. Have you identified areas of improvement? Are you certain they are truly the only ones holding you back?

Do any of the following sound familiar:

1. Top sales personal promoted to management without sufficient support?

2. Critical retention rate and recruiting issues?

3. Engineers required to transition to sales & marketing?

4. Repair teams not recognizing sales opportunities?

5. A traditional management culture rather than the new coaching culture?

6. Disconnect between R&D and end user?

7. Cultural management and marketing obstacles unique to global locations?

8. Less than 100% customer focus?

9. Inadequate use of the power of strategic personal networking?

10. Too few rainmakers?

11. Loss of business due to first impression issues?

For more on how strategic companies are approaching these issues see the articles section at

In addition, I work with a limited number of clients helping them discover what’s not working and put the right strategies in place.

If you are facing challenges and feel that this kind of approach may help, I invite you to contact me directly to determine if there is a fit.

What if you look like you are here, but you are not really here?

What if you are already in 2029 but your client is in 2024? What do you do now?

I welcome a 15 minute complimentary call on Zoom with you to talk about why you may want to be in 2029 working backwards

Call or text Dr. Dan
(917) 880-6758

Published by Dan Schaefer PhD
